All exhibitions published on JPG will be automatically processed and uploaded to Arweave for permanent, decentralized storage on the blockweave. This ensures that each curation can be recognized as a part of the contextual data layer for the NFT ecosystem in perpetuity. Only published exhibitions will be uploaded for permanent storage. Drafts will remain private and in our database. Here is the data that will be uploaded for published exhibitions to ease composability across platforms:
The name of the exhibition at time of publishing.
The link to the exhibition on jpg of the form: https://jpg.space/{username}/exhibition/{exhibition-name}
The curator's Ethereum address.
The curator's username on JPG
Array of addresses
The collaborators on this exhibition.
Array of Assets
See below.
Array of TextObjects
See below. May also be empty.
Assets and TextObjects
Asset Object:
Text Object:
IMPORTANT: In some cases, there may not be a title or body for an index in the array of Text Objects, as there are edge cases where a new page in an exhibition does not begin with text. In these situations, there will simply be an asset array. Developers are urged to null-check all parameters before using any data in practice to avoid errors.
Exhibition Tags
Data on Arweave is typically indexed by tags. For exhibitions, one will be able to find the data by querying for the following tags:
We will be opening an API shortly to make querying for data easier, but one can use the Arweave GraphQL endpoints with this tag information to retrieve data programmatically for now. (https://gql-guide.vercel.app/).
Last updated
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